I try my best to evaluate each card based on their value as a leader sub inherit or niche applications. Important this tier list factors in full use of skill inheritance and merge allies when rating heroes and is targeted specifically at arena play.

Skill Tier List Updated 2 11 Fire Emblem Heroes Game8
Skill inheritance tier list. Report errors on the talk page. All tier lists will have a certain degree of bias whether it is accidental or by design and mine is no exception. Skills with inheritance restrictions are slightly different from exclusive skills which can only be learned by the original unit. Filthy elitists ruin everything they touch mysteriouslurke. This tier list is automatically generated. Supernat98 2 years ago 1.
This means that exclusive skills cannot be inherited by a different unit. Inheritable skill tier list. It also does its best to take into consideration the newly announcedreleased evolutions in jp. 1 aether raids tier list 2 heroes 3 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 4 feh summon simulator 5 feh content update. Like how odin would be s tier and klein would be s. Can we make a skill inheritance tier list.
Included are the best and strongest styles in the game the best styles for each role and brief information on eachs characteristics skills and abilities. I will never be an elitist. Style tier list for romancing saga re universe. Some of these heroes may be more niche or have less specialised stat distributions than units in the above tiers or will be more dependant on certain skills but they can still perform their given role well. Awhile ago i made skill inheritance tier lists basically evaluating the worth of a units skills for inheritance with two separate tiers for 4 star and 3 starhowever ever since the change to the summoning pool where the large majority of units in the 4 5 star pool were dumped into the 3 4 star pool i think its time to reevaluate them again. 6 ivs and their importance.
Scoring factors common to all heroes such as rarity and level are not considered. As in how good a character is for passing on skills. 07302020 mythic hero. Other passives and skills that are taken in to account when deliberating the tier of a unit are also comparatively more stable in its effects on matchups and less likely to fail. Skills with inheritance restrictions. Heroes that have the potential to score higher in arena are rated higher.
Tier 4 units are respectable heroes with good matchups against common units. A exemple include the now a bit obsolete triangle adept raven tomeswhich until recentlyconsistently allowed its bearer to perform the intended role of a dual counter. Skill inheritance is the way to teaching your units several new abilities that they normally cannot learn on their own.